Manufacturers, suppliers and applicators of the UK’s leading anti-condensation coating.
The most cost effective long term solution to preventing and treat the damaging effects of dripping roof condensation, as used on 1000s of buildings across the UK with 100% success.

Prevents damage from condensation
Considerably reduces the periods during which condensation forms, and whenever dew point is reached any condensation that does form is immediately absorbed by the coating.
Indirect protection against corrosion
GRAFO-THERM ANTI-CONDENSATION COATING provides protection against corrosion by absorbing moisture that might otherwise form droplets over an untreated surface.
Affordable self-application solution
GRAFO-THERM ANTI-CONDENSATION COATING is an affordable self-application solution that can be easily applied using a simple spray gun (available from Grafo Products UK). Or we can provide a free quote for larger quantities over 100kg to suit larger applications in buildings or multiple containers.
For multiple building and vehicle types
Provides protection for shipping containers, warehouses, workshops, cold store roofs, aircraft hangars, Hardened Aircraft Shelters (HAS), sports facilities, vans and lorries.
Years of Manufacturing and Application Experience
Rate of success of reducing damage from condensation across
of containers, hangers, warehouses and vehicles across the UK